For over ten years, IEAB has engaged in national and diocesan efforts to develop a culture of planning with permanent monitoring and evaluation.

We were there since the start, in 2000, briefing how to plan at dioceses. Since 2019, we have collaborated with planning, monitoring and evaluation at IEAB. And in 2020, we have also contributed to develop strategic plans for three areas of the Church and a few dioceses.
In 2019, finally, a process of diagnosis on the challenges of the Church in Brazil was workable. They based it on individual visits to nine dioceses and a missionary district, a thorough analysis of the documents, and a national (provincial) seminar. Based on the diagnosis, we formed a national reference group of 28 people to plan a provincial strategic plan in three workshops.
The Strategic Plan was implemented in 2020, amidst the pandemic of COVID-19. We formed a Management Group of nine people whose representatives came from three provincial areas (I, II and III) including a bishop, the General Secretary of the Church, and the consultant, Domingos Armani.
The Management Group meets regularly once a month to monitor the progress and performance of the Strategic Plan and propose initiatives for itsimplementation.