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Monte Fuji


Publication 2021

In 2021, the DI Team's working year was marked by progress in solidifying bonds of trust with each organization taking part of the Institutional Development support project; carrying out thematic diagnoses, providing opportunities for the elaboration of procedures and routines to improve management and the formulation of an institutional development plan, contemplating a governance system and organizational charts, resource mobilization strategies, administrative, financial and accounting management procedures and activities related to management of organizations.

methodological design of the project

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Reflections on racismo in CSOs

The publication “Combating racism as a dimension of the institutional development of CSOs” is the result of the first seminar held, in May 2021, by the ID Team, with representatives of the seven civil society organizations, located in Recife and participants of the project that has the support of the Oak Foundation.

The document reflects on the racial issue and the urgency of its treatment in the field of CSOs. In the opening text, the ID Team coordinator explains the importance of incorporating the fight against racism in the institutional development of CSOs. “This means that our reflection and our practices to support the institutional development of CSOs will begin to incorporate the racial dimension, in particular, and diversity, in general, as intrinsic dimensions of the development of organizations”.

The text brings the contributions of Benilda Brito, who led the reflection on structural and institutional racism, and the presentation of two experiences of CSOs in the promotion of anti-racism: Ação Educativa/SP (Edneia Gonçalves and Juliane Cintra) and SOS Corpo/PE (Carmem Silva).

Reflection on changes in CSOS

Metamorfoscs: CSO Horizons of Change is the title of the second publication produced by the DI Team, the result of the seminar entitled “Metamorfoscs”, with the support of the Oak Foundation.

The material presents the reflections made by the members of the seven civil society organizations, located in the Metropolitan Area of Recife (RMR) on their processes of internal and external changes and the influence of contexts as catalysts for the transformation of the individual and the collective. We leave here the invitation to read this publication.


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